воскресенье, 12 октября 2008 г.

friend son

I created a new poem about 2 weeks ago, which was the first one Iapos;d made since 2005. I feel a new since of literary intensity sparking in me. I will be showcasing it as well as my new laptop from which Iapos;ll be posting my next entry on, with possibly yet another new poem...either Monday or Tuesday.

My oldest friend showed me a piece of his literary excellence this evening. I was quite impressed with the quality of his piece. His inspiration was atrociously bad, considering weapos;re diametric opposites on political views, but his expression is absolutely top-notch.

In other news...

The grading of the g/f appplications goes quite slow considering many of you have overlooked certain sections and random questions which are essential to the grading process, but overall itapos;s headed in the right direction. As far as the actual scores are looking...LMAO...terribly bad. Even more proof that thereapos;s no way in HELL Iapos;ll ever find an ideal match for myself in my life of love -- or lack thereof

As far as my cyphering goes, Iapos;ve been experimenting with which way is the best to merge several of my most complex codes together into one massive super cypher. At the moment I have it down to about 12 different forms of encryption, but as I improve upon Iapos;d expect that number to go way the fuck up.

Iapos;ve been studying the specs for the Arc-Reactor idea that came from Iron_Man, and surprisingly I find the concept does hold merit. Iapos;ve been refining the physics of it and have a couple theories which, after Iapos;ve done the required studying, I plan to put to the test as soon as I can. This also kind of goes into the whole Matrix concept of using humans as living batteries, but in this case it could work out to much better conventional use.

Thatapos;s all for now...cya fukkers on Monday or Tuesday.
friend son, friend song, friend song list.

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