среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

central fish market

Yeah, Iapos;m ok, as far as I can recall. Things are going as scheduled. I was suppose to take phone calls at Cablevision yesterday for the first time but it was moved to today. So from now on, Iapos;ll be on the phones in the classroom, and then I will move into the masters program.

I have a big test today to make sure I know what I am talking about. As I am typing this, I just remembered about that test. I hope I do well on it. On all my other knowledge checks I have been doing well. Since at Cablevision if you get anything below an 80, it is considered as not passing the test. So since I have been getting higher grades such as 100apos;s on some and 90apos;s on others...I guess I am doing somewhat well.

I am trying to get over my nerves. Yesterday I felt nauseas for the first time, as part of my nervousness. Usually my hands sweat or, I get dizzy. But this time I felt really sick. So is this because of my period as well or is it just me? Hmm...

So I received my gift card that I won last week in the mail yesterday. Perhaps I should go and get some clothes for work today, so I can feel official.

But I still need some sleep. I went to bed I think after 2am. Woke up after 8. I am feeling fatigued right now, but not sleepy. But I will trying to force myself to sleep since I desperately need the rest for tonight.

I recently got a dvr box. It is a great thing to have I must say. I do not have to worry about missing shows that I would have missed if I were at work. Right now I am experiencing some pixelation on this box. Iapos;m not going to call in since I know what is needed to get done to fix this issue, lol ironic huh?

Although I am unable to run a diagnostic on this box from home, i know that I am not having a weak signal. Iapos;m assuming it just needs to get used to being used since 1, this is a digital signal so it is not uncommon, and 2, this box has been on a shelf for some time, so like all computers...its apos;warming upapos;. Thats my opinion, not cablevisions. So Iapos;ll wait...if it happens for a long time, like a week or so, iapos;ll call and have them run a test on it. But as of now, Iapos;m not worried.

Ok...well more later..

cdb1, central fish market, central fish illinois stocking, central fish illinois management, central first pacific railroad transcontinental, central first baptist church.

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