понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

flower international mother 's day

Okay i am exhausted. Slept 4 hours on Friday. Slept 7 hours on Saturday.
Going out two days consecutively for long periods of time�is tiring.
I kinda forgot cuz I havenapos;t done it for so long. Ha, loser got�no stamina.

(: Anyway, I am relatively happy�going out�though I spent like like, 70 plus on pretty much nothing cept food and all. Including the�stuff i bought i spent 100 plus. Bum.�How do i spend so much on food i wonder when i eat junkfood. Hmm, I donapos;t particularly want to think about my terrible spending habits. I need a _ job. Or get my parents to give me more allowance which is a pipe dream. So yeah, I need a _ job. Bugz This is sad, very very sad. I want more money, I need more money, I am going to die without money.�It is torture to be poor.

Hee, I have the burning desire to take more pictures but seeing people with the big big cameras( okay, donapos;t laugh at me cuz i donapos;t know the name pleeze ) and their pretty pictures makes me feel sad with my puny digital thing. Sighz, I want a fairy godmother.


Some catapult it fired you
You wonder if your chance will ever come
Or if youapos;re stuck in square one

flower international mother 's day, flower international order, flower international school sugar sugarcraft.

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