суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

apachie tomcat

Good news first: We are moving We got a house to rent :D We paid the first monthapos;s rent the security deposit today when we signed the lease :D *dances around singing no more trailer park and yes to more room* lol Weapos;ll have an attic and a basement, a backyard, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, a dining room and living room. We can move in a few days before November 1st.

Bad news: Hubby is done recieving workmanapos;s comp payments. The doctor told him off work still but told workmanapos;s comp or whoever that heapos;s on light duty and would start work on October 4th. Uhhh he only worked one day on light duty and then had to go to therapy the rest of the week (he has therapy 3 days a week) and he has to take percocet (sp?) for the pain. Yea...meds prescribed from the workmanapos;s comp doctor. Sure he can get a lot of working in there *rolls eyes*

So the food stamp (human serviceapos;s worker) talked to the workman comp worker last week after we were denied for help...no one mentioned to the human servicesapos; worker that he was to be back at work and that the workman comp payments would continue and with my child support and SSI for my one son...so that is why the food stamps went bye byes. And the payments we just recieved were for September and possibly the first week of October.

So anyways, he is up there talking about to the doctor. Iapos;ve got a call into the human serviceapos;s lady. *waits impatiently tapping foot to hear what she has to say*

Other news: No school for the kids today. My mom has KJ along with Ashley. KJ is going camping with his class for three days next week and mom is buying him his supplies for that including three new outfits.

Ok...off to get some packing done here soon. Going to start packing crap that I donapos;t need/use for the next two weeks :D :D

apachie tomcat, apachie video, apachie web server.

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