суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

apachie tomcat

Good news first: We are moving We got a house to rent :D We paid the first monthapos;s rent the security deposit today when we signed the lease :D *dances around singing no more trailer park and yes to more room* lol Weapos;ll have an attic and a basement, a backyard, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, a dining room and living room. We can move in a few days before November 1st.

Bad news: Hubby is done recieving workmanapos;s comp payments. The doctor told him off work still but told workmanapos;s comp or whoever that heapos;s on light duty and would start work on October 4th. Uhhh he only worked one day on light duty and then had to go to therapy the rest of the week (he has therapy 3 days a week) and he has to take percocet (sp?) for the pain. Yea...meds prescribed from the workmanapos;s comp doctor. Sure he can get a lot of working in there *rolls eyes*

So the food stamp (human serviceapos;s worker) talked to the workman comp worker last week after we were denied for help...no one mentioned to the human servicesapos; worker that he was to be back at work and that the workman comp payments would continue and with my child support and SSI for my one son...so that is why the food stamps went bye byes. And the payments we just recieved were for September and possibly the first week of October.

So anyways, he is up there talking about to the doctor. Iapos;ve got a call into the human serviceapos;s lady. *waits impatiently tapping foot to hear what she has to say*

Other news: No school for the kids today. My mom has KJ along with Ashley. KJ is going camping with his class for three days next week and mom is buying him his supplies for that including three new outfits.

Ok...off to get some packing done here soon. Going to start packing crap that I donapos;t need/use for the next two weeks :D :D

apachie tomcat, apachie video, apachie web server.

среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

central fish market

Yeah, Iapos;m ok, as far as I can recall. Things are going as scheduled. I was suppose to take phone calls at Cablevision yesterday for the first time but it was moved to today. So from now on, Iapos;ll be on the phones in the classroom, and then I will move into the masters program.

I have a big test today to make sure I know what I am talking about. As I am typing this, I just remembered about that test. I hope I do well on it. On all my other knowledge checks I have been doing well. Since at Cablevision if you get anything below an 80, it is considered as not passing the test. So since I have been getting higher grades such as 100apos;s on some and 90apos;s on others...I guess I am doing somewhat well.

I am trying to get over my nerves. Yesterday I felt nauseas for the first time, as part of my nervousness. Usually my hands sweat or, I get dizzy. But this time I felt really sick. So is this because of my period as well or is it just me? Hmm...

So I received my gift card that I won last week in the mail yesterday. Perhaps I should go and get some clothes for work today, so I can feel official.

But I still need some sleep. I went to bed I think after 2am. Woke up after 8. I am feeling fatigued right now, but not sleepy. But I will trying to force myself to sleep since I desperately need the rest for tonight.

I recently got a dvr box. It is a great thing to have I must say. I do not have to worry about missing shows that I would have missed if I were at work. Right now I am experiencing some pixelation on this box. Iapos;m not going to call in since I know what is needed to get done to fix this issue, lol ironic huh?

Although I am unable to run a diagnostic on this box from home, i know that I am not having a weak signal. Iapos;m assuming it just needs to get used to being used since 1, this is a digital signal so it is not uncommon, and 2, this box has been on a shelf for some time, so like all computers...its apos;warming upapos;. Thats my opinion, not cablevisions. So Iapos;ll wait...if it happens for a long time, like a week or so, iapos;ll call and have them run a test on it. But as of now, Iapos;m not worried.

Ok...well more later..

cdb1, central fish market, central fish illinois stocking, central fish illinois management, central first pacific railroad transcontinental, central first baptist church.

вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

charm frog

Hi everyone.

My first week at school�was pretty good.� There are another 7 students on placement (Nottingham Uni) and they are doing a range of subjects.� Itapos;s just myself doing ICT� We had an induction for the first half a day and then i observed lessons.

The school had a fire drill on Thursday which was fun 1600 pupils on a muddy football pitch was very funny....people slipping all over the place.

The lessons i oberved were KS3, KS4 and Post 16, so i managed to fill in some of the observation forms.� I have a starter planned on Thursday for a year 8 class - iapos;m actually looking forward to it

Hope everyone else is getting on ok.


avant read your mind mp3, charm frog, charm friend hot mom mrs, charm free tale.

понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

flower international mother 's day

Okay i am exhausted. Slept 4 hours on Friday. Slept 7 hours on Saturday.
Going out two days consecutively for long periods of time�is tiring.
I kinda forgot cuz I havenapos;t done it for so long. Ha, loser got�no stamina.

(: Anyway, I am relatively happy�going out�though I spent like like, 70 plus on pretty much nothing cept food and all. Including the�stuff i bought i spent 100 plus. Bum.�How do i spend so much on food i wonder when i eat junkfood. Hmm, I donapos;t particularly want to think about my terrible spending habits. I need a _ job. Or get my parents to give me more allowance which is a pipe dream. So yeah, I need a _ job. Bugz This is sad, very very sad. I want more money, I need more money, I am going to die without money.�It is torture to be poor.

Hee, I have the burning desire to take more pictures but seeing people with the big big cameras( okay, donapos;t laugh at me cuz i donapos;t know the name pleeze ) and their pretty pictures makes me feel sad with my puny digital thing. Sighz, I want a fairy godmother.


Some catapult it fired you
You wonder if your chance will ever come
Or if youapos;re stuck in square one

flower international mother 's day, flower international order, flower international school sugar sugarcraft.

alexi laiho bio

Major countdown. Only one week till the O levels. The walls are closing in. It is becoming harder to breathe. My brain is melting...... ARGGHH..

ah, gonna go to serangoon gardens to study with luce and others after school. Then, go to plaza sing to pass the geog book to mark tay to pass em to shawn. Sorry i forgot to bring ems today. Jolyn and i concluded that we are hopeless cos we want the exams to end before it beginns, which means it cant start. At all. No exams at all. Heee.. That would be the day i become 40kg. Hahaha whatever. Jo and i went to the esplanade to study, and it was good good. We ordered 2 milkshakes, chocolate and strawberry. The choc one was nicer. The s.berry was unique, but too pulpy. The s.berry chunks were so big that it could get stuck in the straw. Hoho. Then i doodled and drew many many stars on joapos;s book. Whee so fun. Then she scolded me for doodling too much on her book. Haha but i still really didnt listen to her. Hoho


"did you know that crunches and situps actually do NOT flatten your abs effectively?"

TO edward: yeah i know. My bro saw your tag and told me the person does not know how to cook em pork properly. And the person put too much vineger. But i still want to eat nice nice mee pok. You know where i can find em?
alexi laiho bio, alexi laiho biography, alexi laiho equipment.

воскресенье, 12 октября 2008 г.

friend son

I created a new poem about 2 weeks ago, which was the first one Iapos;d made since 2005. I feel a new since of literary intensity sparking in me. I will be showcasing it as well as my new laptop from which Iapos;ll be posting my next entry on, with possibly yet another new poem...either Monday or Tuesday.

My oldest friend showed me a piece of his literary excellence this evening. I was quite impressed with the quality of his piece. His inspiration was atrociously bad, considering weapos;re diametric opposites on political views, but his expression is absolutely top-notch.

In other news...

The grading of the g/f appplications goes quite slow considering many of you have overlooked certain sections and random questions which are essential to the grading process, but overall itapos;s headed in the right direction. As far as the actual scores are looking...LMAO...terribly bad. Even more proof that thereapos;s no way in HELL Iapos;ll ever find an ideal match for myself in my life of love -- or lack thereof

As far as my cyphering goes, Iapos;ve been experimenting with which way is the best to merge several of my most complex codes together into one massive super cypher. At the moment I have it down to about 12 different forms of encryption, but as I improve upon Iapos;d expect that number to go way the fuck up.

Iapos;ve been studying the specs for the Arc-Reactor idea that came from Iron_Man, and surprisingly I find the concept does hold merit. Iapos;ve been refining the physics of it and have a couple theories which, after Iapos;ve done the required studying, I plan to put to the test as soon as I can. This also kind of goes into the whole Matrix concept of using humans as living batteries, but in this case it could work out to much better conventional use.

Thatapos;s all for now...cya fukkers on Monday or Tuesday.
friend son, friend song, friend song list.